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Kurra Bewarse
Username: Agni

Post Number: 4422
Registered: 03-2004

Rating: N/A
Votes: 0

Posted on Monday, March 15, 2021 - 4:04 pm:   


Fever & Body aches for three days, they got thru with off the shelf medicines like Tylenol and IBUPRUFEN.

I hate lying down with fever.

ninnati nundi vachina fever ki noru chachubadithe endhake lastweek vere cousins India nundii thechina Chinthapandu pachadi with hot hot rice and ghee thinte ganii kick ekkaledhu ...

Also forgot to mention, for us 1st dose just mild pains and chills for a day anthe .... no fever nothing ...
Musicfan annaa meekuu undhi le 2nd dose ki ... 1st dose yee kastapduthunnaru ante.. maa freinds kii konthamandhiki 3 days continuous bedding with fever and pains ....

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