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Celebrity Bewarse
Username: Gaali

Post Number: 37255
Registered: 03-2004
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Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 1:04 pm:   

The Indian Governments along with the Pakistani Government respectively use terror to keep their respective country’s populations in a state of fear.

This fear makes us feel insecure, this fear reminds us that our lives can end any minute because of evil forces that exist in this world. This because after any terrorist strike, regardless of our fear and anger, we can only turn to one organization in the end for help. The Indian Government.

The Indian Government is aware of this and uses a propaganda of terror to reinforce this fear and their necessity from time to time.

The terrorist attacks are meant to are simply meant to remind us how fragile our lives are and ergo keep the Indian people in check. What we weren’t told, was that it was the very people we chose to govern us, who bred, fed and nourished these evil forces. Partly for their greed and partly for mass control.

This Terror Induced Mass Control is perceived by the Indian Government as an effective tool by which the Indian Government and its most important organs which includes Financial Regulators, the Intelligence Agencies, the Indian Army and the opposition parties which all put together make up less than 1% of the Indian Population exerts control over the remaining 99% of the population.

All the information presented previously was garnered from various media sources. The last two slides are the conclusions which can be arrived at based on the information presented so far. In that case, what was all the furore displayed by Indian Government over the Mumbai Attacks all about? What was the anger displayed by the Opposition Parties all about? What was Barack Obama’s speech at the TajHotel all about?

The answer to all these questions is the title of this Presentation. This is the Great Indian Lie. This is the farce. This is the conspiracy. This is the drama that all politicians participate in. Our elected politicians have very murky backgrounds. Any of them could potentially expose their rivals and bring them down. But they don’t. They just lie. And they lie big. Its what makes things work. It’s the grease in this engine we call a government. If they don’t lie, this engine will simply come to a grinding halt. Everyone who is in a position of power and influence knows this. And now so do you.

This lie was what allowed the Mumbai Terror Attacks to happen. It was responsible for the terror strike in Mumbai in 1991. It was responsible for the Delhi blasts, the Hyderabad Blasts and the Ahmedabad Blasts.
Be Positive!

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