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Celebrity Bewarse
Username: Gaali

Post Number: 37248
Registered: 03-2004
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Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 1:00 pm:   

But is the NCP alone responsible for this treason? What about their Political Rivals such as the BJP, Congress and the Samajwadi? If the Intelligence Agencies, the MHA and the Media are aware of this conspiracy, then the other Political Parties must also be aware of the same. Why are they Silent? To shed some light on this, we must again follow the money trail left behind the Narcotics Trafficking and Corruption.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress (INC) are sworn rivals who will embarrass one another whenever an opportunity presents itself.

The NCP-Congress led government is in power right now in Maharashtra, so why doesn’t the BJP expose the NCP-Congress led government for their misdeeds in Maharashtra and bring it down. The answer to that question is because the BJP is also deeply involved in anti-national activities!

The TOI has reported on links between the ISI Sponsored Dawood Ibrahim’s Cartel and the Shiv Sena. This actually seems ridiculous at first because Dawood Ibrahim is a Muslim who is sheltered by ISI in Pakistan which is a Muslim country. And the Shiv Sena prides itself on Hindutva and Marathi Pride.

But this is where the tempting profits of narcotics trafficking come into picture. All the narcotics which originates from the docks of Karachi, lands on the docks of Mumbai. It is then subsequently distributed by the cadre and foot soldiers of the Shiva Sena! The Shiv Sainiks are heavily involved in Narcotics Trafficking . Bal Thackeray and the ShivSenaare close business partners of Dawood Ibrahim. This is why the BJP doesn’t expose the NCP/Congress. Also Shiv Sena Supremo Bal Thackeray is a great ally and personal friend of Sharad Pawar. (Source: Countercurrents)
Be Positive!

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