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Celebrity Bewarse
Username: Pda

Post Number: 22741
Registered: 06-2006
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Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 10:45 am:Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP dent/us/general_election_mccain_vs_obama-225.html

graph sek sesuko last 2 days la obama curve piki McCain di kindaki
Italian Mafiasoappi pda nayakudu@copy rights reserved
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Kurra Bewarse
Username: Redneck

Post Number: 1305
Registered: 12-2007
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Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 10:41 am:Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

Palin Nabs Highest ‘08 Broadcast TV Convention Ratings (more than for 0bama’s acceptance speech!)

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s speech during Wednesday night’s Republican National Convention bested Democratic speeches from Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and, in some cases, Barack Obama in preliminary ratings.

Speaking last night, along with former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Gov. Palin took in a 5.4 rating/8 share on NBC, according to preliminary overnight household data from Nielsen Media Research, measuring 55 markets across the United States.

In terms of this year’s conventions, the preliminary rating for NBC’s coverage last night is higher than any other night of the convention on the broadcast networks, including Sen. Obama’s nomination acceptance speech on Aug. 28.

However, the ratings are preliminary and are subject to change.

ABC averaged a 4.0/6, up more than a full ratings point against the DNC’s third day, and CBS scored a 3.1/5, beating its previous Wednesday coverage by 29%.