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Bewarse ke Bewarse!
Username: Godfather

Post Number: 27553
Registered: 03-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 8:20 am:Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

//I believe that HISTORY is made by committed LEADERS and not by petty politicians.

adee mana culture lo gopatanam.. poyina vallu antha devule anukuntam..
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Bewarse ke Bewarse!
Username: Proofdada

Post Number: 29469
Registered: 03-2004
Posted From:
Posted on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 8:15 am:Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

>>1.Telangana :bordering with Maharashtra,Karnataka,Chattisgarh & Orissa)
orissa naa......MP kaadhaa...
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Pilla Bewarse
Username: Pkfans

Post Number: 147
Registered: 07-2005
Posted From:
Posted on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 8:13 am:Edit PostDelete PostView Post/Check IP

The following is an essay on TELANGANA ISSUE. please take time in going through it... and let me know your CRITICAL opinion.
give me your views on points which i might have left untouched.
i drafted it with out any proper order/organization.....please bear with me if you feel that I digressed too much……… I only tried to put down my heart-felt feelings.
i may INTENSELY sound to be for united AP.....but, i feel that the
pro-dividers should justify/answer all the questions asked in this article......!!

PS : while reading the article, please remember that I myself belong to the Telangana region of AP !!

( For the info of non-Telugus : politically, AP consists of 3 regions :
1.Telangana :bordering with Maharashtra,Karnataka,Chattisgarh & Orissa)
2. Coasta : along the Coromandel coast
3. Rayalaseema : bordering with Karnataka & Tamilnadu )


First of all, consider the impact of LANGUAGE on people's lives and there-by on History.
AP is the first state formed on LINGUISTIC basis in the country. ( Bangladesh is the first country formed on Language basis in the Indian Sub-Continent. they showed the world that LANGUAGE connects people strongly than RELIGION....the Bengali speaking East-Pakistani Muslims waged a freedom movement against the Urdu speaking fellow Muslims of West-Pakistan and became independent in 1971. the new country wasn't named after any Urdu/Arabic/Parshian/ISLAMIC was named BANGLADESH ....the land of Bengali speaking people. !!!!!!
The UN has declared 21 February as International Mother Tongue Day in respect of the sacrifice Bangladeshis made for their language.
this is the power of LANGUAGE in unifying people.

for an Andhrawala/Tamilian down South, a Panjabi/Kashmiri is as different from him-self as any other foreigner in many aspects (food,habits,climate,traditions,practices,beliefs, skin colour etc) but still, our freedom fighters were convinced hat we all Indians have SOMETHING GREAT, cultural bonds, in common and that India should stay united despite many 'tangible' differences among, INDIAN UNION emerged. (we praise Sardar Patel for (forcefully) unifying all reluctant Provinces.)

going by the SAME LOGIC, the great leaders of AP were convinced that all Telugu speaking people were bonded to each other by SOMETHING GREAT that transcends above visible cultural/socio-economic differences that crept in due to years of Islamic rule in Telangana( Qutub-Shah-i Nawabs, Nizams etc) of which they were very much aware.
so, they worked towards a united AP ( SAMYKYA ANDHRA PRADESH ) just as freedom fighters worked for united INDIAN UNION.

SRI RAMANANDA THIRTHA, a great Telangana leader of Congress, BURGULA RAMAKRISHNA RAO( born in MEHABUB NAGAR DISTRICT ), PUCHALAPALLI SUNDARAIAH ( KHAMMAM ), MADAPATI HANUMANTHA RAO ( KRISHNA DISTRICT, he was a front runner of UNITED AP and is called "ANDHRA PITAMAHA"), Amarajeevi POTTI SREE RAMULU and many more leaders, despite belonging to different parts of AP, dreamed of a UNITED AP ( unlike the present day politicians ).

Important Question is---Are the present day politicians better than them in any aspect ( commitment, vision, dedication and more importantly WISDOM, understanding of Telugu History/Culture, aspirations of people, education qualifications ) ????

conditions in Telangana changed ( IMPROVED, to be precise ) since then. when people were ready to stay united in those much worse initial days, then why can't we ????? why we want a division ??? –

Present day scenario :

It is always easy to DIVIDE people than to UNITE people. Who knows this better than the politicians ? !!

The MLAs and MPs of TELANGANA RASTRA SAMITI (TRS) party claim to represent the VOICE of whole Telangana.
is it true and to what extent ???

due to large number of contestants in elections, you can be a winner even if you get 20-25% of total polled votes...!! then how can these politicians claim to be ambassadors of people ????!!!!!!

seeing the ENTHU/HANGAMA/NOISE of TRS and other pro-Telangana voices, can anyone wishing for united AP raise his concern ? he will be threated/side-lined by the ENTHUed ones.

even if separate Telangana is formed, it is beneficial only to politicians and officers. if they are really honest and committed, they can work for betterment of Telangana even now....

TRS formed on 27 APRIL 2001. it won almost all Municipal and Local body ( Panchayat etc ) seats in elections. it has MLAs, MPs and now 5 State Ministers and 2 Central Ministers (KCR and Narendra are themselves Union Ministers. ).

So, what did they do so far for the people of Telangana (which they claim to do if Telangana is separated ) ?????

(KCR alias K.Chandra Sekhar Rao is the chief of TRS. He was a member of Chandra Babu Naidu’s TDP. When he was not offered a ministerial seat in the Cabinet, he suddenly realized that he had to work for the people of Telangana !!. Consequently, he resigned from TDP and started TRS in 2001).

we all know that while fighting against BRITISHERS, our great freedom fighters strived simultaneously to eradicate social inequalities, untouchability, illeteracy, unemployment, caste-system, sati and many more evils of our society...
( Gandhiji called untouchables as HARIJANS. he started a newspaper for them. he promoted CHARKA ie HANDLOOM to spin cloth from cotton to provide employment to Indians ).

The LESSON--- a Revolution/Freedom Movement can not sustain itself unless it addresses the basic needs of people.
what lesson did TRS learn from our freedom fighters??

while working towards the so-called Freedom Movement of Telangana, TRS should focus on simultaneous betterment of people's lives.
is it doing so ???

the question is---" how much did TRS develop Telangana in these 4 years.?? what did KCR do to bring Investment in Telangana?

Did TRS do anything to attract NRIs of Telangana to invest in all these years ??

In what perceptible way did Governance at Panchayat level changed in Telangana when most/all elected ones are "Telangana Lovers/TRS people" ???

Do ordinary poor people have any say in what is decided in their name???
Being an Union Minister, what did KCR do for Telangana??...

RENUKA CHOUDHARY (Congress) is Minister for TOURISM and a MP from Khammam... what did she do to improve Tourism in Telangana?.

JAIPAL REDDY ( Congress), the Union Broadcasting Minister, is also from Telangana.

When we can not trust our politicians even before Telangana is separated, how can we trust them to work for us after Telangana is separated ???

KCR always blames that people from Coasta who settled in Telangana are responsible for exploitation & its backwardness.

I spoke to some TRS party workers/members. They emotionally say that Coasta people are occupying Hyd and Telangana( by buying houses/land )!! are they foreigners/Pakistanies ?? how silly this is !!

many politicians of Telangana jumped from TDP to TRS after results of 2004 Elections....what does this mean??? aren't they JACKELS/CHAMALEONS ready to jump based on opportunity.??? how can we trust them?

Historically, Revolutions are lead by LEADERS and not by petty politicians. LEADERS need not scramble to protect their seats of power, but politicians need to scramble every 5 years.
How can they bring in REVOLUTION ??

According to the annual BUDGET presented to the Assembly in Feb-2005 by Hon'ble ROSAIAH (the "fundu" finance minister), the annual Revenue of AP is 36,000 crores, Expenditure is 47,000 crores. Debt is 66,000 crores. Debt is going to touch 95,000 crores by the end of 2005 due to the promises made by Congress to revive sick Govt sector industries/banks.

AP is in severe financial problem. Congress is reviving LEGISLATIVE COUNSIL (to accommodate political unemployment !!), is promising many things to people everyday. It is trying to raise Revenues by increasing the number of Liquor shops/BARS..!!!

soon, AP is going to borrow to pay for the installments/interest charges of previous borrowings....this is an undeniable truth...

in such a deteriorating financial state of the state, how can we bear the cost of dividing the state?

when paying salaries to existing Govt employees and making the TEMPORARY jobs PERMANENT is itself financially difficult, where from new Govt jobs & new Govt buildings etc will come ....????

is TRS tryig to CHEAT people by making false/unrealisable promises ?

if AP is divided, how to divide the state Taxes, Revenues, Debts, River Water Resources, Thermal Power and many such resources ??

the krishna river water disputes between AP and Karnataka are never solved...they are as perennial as the river itself!! with Congress Govt in power in AP and Congress-Janata coalition in Karnataka, still the problem has no solution.
if Telangana is a separate state, will Telangana & Coasta ever agree on any kind of river water sharing treaties ??

both states will look at each other with SUSPICION and always engage in blame game....just as India & Pakistan are now doing..!!??

TRS politicians are projecting as if all of Telangana is back-ward and whole of Coasta is developed.

why is no one talking about the backwardness of SRIKAKULAM, VIZAYA NAGARAM, VISAKHAPATNAM,ONGOLE districts which are in Coasta??????
what about RAYALASEEMA districts ?????? are they in any way prosperous ???? already a separate Rayalaseema movement has started....

we have seen divisions of states/countries on the basis of Religion( India&Pakistan , Israel ), Language ( AP, Bangladesh etc ), Culture, Geography and Race ( Racism )....

Recently, we divided states in the name of DEVELOPMENT. (JHARKHAND, UTTARANCHAL AND CHHATTISGARH etc.)

KCR says that undevelopment of Telangana is due to Coasta people and that Telangana would develop if it is separated.

how much JHARKHAND, UTTARANCHAL AND CHHATTISGARH progressed after they were formed in 2000. !!??

While there is no doubt that ‘change/development’ occurred in people’s lives after JHARKHAND, UTTARANCHAL AND CHHATTISGARH are divided, but the important question is---" can't the same development/change be achieved by still staying UNITED if politicians have honest WILL, Dedication and Commitment " ????? "

at what costs of division should we afford that development ???

Division or re-organization of states/boundaries is not a new phenomenon/process. But, I am more worried about the controversial/sentimental/emotive issues being politicized by TRS. TRS is trying to divide people by raising hatred. It reminds me of Muslim League before 1947.

We have to understand/realize that only very few are knowledgeable about real issues & that most people blindly believe in what is sensationalized in media/political meetings. Many a times, the sensation & emotion over-power basic logical reasoning/common sense in deciding public opinion.

Some reasons for the backwardness of Telanga :
( these apply to the whole nation as well !!)

1 -- Naxal Problem:
when law & order is out of control and when even the elected representatives of people are facing threats from Naxals, how can a businessman/industrialist put his money in Telangana ??
will you work in IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN/ISRAEL/PALESTINA/JAMMU & KASHMIR/NORTH-EAST STATES OF INDIA even if you are given a high paying job????
will you start a business in any of the above if you have money ?????
same could be the case of Telangana in the eyes of businessmen.......
investment happens only when investors feel secure about their money.
Faction rivalries, clashes etc similarly affected Rayalaseema.

2 -- inflexible labour laws & local politicians :
due to influences/interferences of local political parties, existing industries are severely affected.
Every politician thinks that industries in his constituency are his hereditary property and takes pride in interfering ( for party funds, media coverage, support of locals etc )

We have to realize that increasingly traditional businesses are becoming susceptible to foreign competition /globalization. Only TECHNOLOGY/IDEAS/SKILL/INNOVATION/CREATIVITY can save industries in future.

3 -- majority area of Telangana is declared as Scheduled area.... ( the infamous Act 1/1970 )
for example, the whole of Bhadrachalam division of
Khammam district is a scheduled area. only Scheduled Tribes ( KOYAs, LAMBADIs ) can buy/sell fixed land/house/structures.
OCs ( Open Caste people ) don't have rights to sell/buy. if they want to sell, they have to sell only to STs.
so, how can investment come in ????? if you are to setup an industry, you can’t buy land/immovable property……… have to register the property in the name of any ST person…………..!!

will any one with money invest in such an area ???
( across the world, Governments are relaxing laws to attract MNCs to cities..... GOD only knows when will these restrictive laws be
relaxed !!!??!!! )

my native place is in this area itself. Though we have agricultural land there, to sanction me Education loan to study in BITS, Pilani, the Bank Manager did not accept land as collateral ( since he can’t auction it if I default ) and my application was in pending for over 4 months.( I belong to an Open Caste. I don’t intend to raise Caste-issues here……… all I am talking about are reasons for lack of investment ).
it takes just HALF-AN-HOUR to start a company in SILICON VALLEY (SANTA CLARA, USA) !!

Bhadrachalam division has 3 rivers-Godavari,Sabari,Kinnerasani....and Singareni Coal Mines...and it’s a
Foresty area. ( land, water, coal, power, labour, forests ......the major natural resources any industrialist looks for )

Yet, the only 2 private factories present in this area are
1-ITC Paper Board Ltd Factory
2-NavaBharat Ferro Alloys
which were set up before this Act came in 1970.

No prizes for answering why there isn’t any fresh private investment later !!

when people from other districts come to Bhadrachalam division to do farming by taking land on LEASE (KOULU, in Telugu), the local CPI/CPM parties oppose it....saying that this is exploitation of locals....and demand that LEASE should be given to locals only.

if those farming activities are not there, many labourers dependent on agriculture become unemployed.

this is like “AMMAA PETTADU, ADUKKONIVVADU” ( neither mother
feeds her children nor lets them beg from others )

what is DEVELOPMENT ? what is backwardness ?
many educated/well-learned people are divided in their opinions on DEVELOPMENT.
Business people measure it in terms of “per capita” numbers. The state of “happiness/content/satisfaction” is development/prosperity according to our mythology.

people in Bihar feel that Panjab/Haryana are developed. But, to what extent?
aren't there under-privileged people in Panjab/Haryana ?????

my villages hasn't changed much since 1991 liberalisation. my village needn't have big buildings/restaurants/pubs village already has a proper road, school, hospital.....of course, maintenance and quality of service are obviously poor ( !!! ) which is the case with the whole country.
but, now 5 of our villagers are working in MNCs (including a MNC).
I consider this as a “change” that gives opportunities for people to grow.

If my other co-villagers are not employed in MNCs, IT sector or service sector, it is OBVIOUSLY because they are not technically skilled.
Fruits of liberalization & IT can be reaped by people if they are on a certain platform. There is no use in blaming Chandra Babu Naidu for his promotion of IT.
Many middle-class educated are thankful to Naidu. if not for Naidu, one has to run to BANGALORE………………there is no other option.!!
CPM/CPI will not give jobs to people. They obstruct new private industries & jobs. They only protect the interests of public sector industrial workers. !!

Politicians keep people illiterate and then cry that fruits of liberalization/FDI/Economic Reforms are not reaching the poor……………and hence propose the so-called ‘pro-poor’ policies for the AAM ADMI (common man ). In the end, yet another generation of poor ends up losing opportunities to take-off.

It takes a generation in any family to shift up in the economic strata. We shouldn’t expect over-night eradication of poverty. !!
( not even spoon feeding can achieve this !!).

now, i should see that my salary is pumped into the economic activities of my village.
instead, if i spend my money (earned in MNCs) in McDonalds, Coca-colas, lavish Brands and luxury restaurants, then, money rotation (MONEY MULTIPLIER) is not happening (and the money is again going back to USA as profit of some Brand. this is why some preach the consumption of domestically produced goods) and i should consider that my village is not developing (Unless my own villagers take a franchise from the McDonalds and set up a restaurant in my village!!!!).

i am not trying to sound like a COMMUNIST when i am talking against consumption of such foreign Brands.... !!!

instead, i am trying to sound like an ECONOMIST ......SOCIAL-ECONOMIST, to be precise.

( personally, i hate the present day Indian version of communism since they work to protect the interests of Industrial workers who don’t even constitute 7% of organized work force ….....they are escapists in present day world. World needed communism in 1800-1900s when people had to labour even for a piece of bread to survive. When basic living is at stake, unity comes. But, now, when survival is no longer an issue, personal selfishness takes precedence………… USSR split is an example )

( it’s India’s bad luck that, due to populism, REDISTRIBUTION has become more important than PRODUCTION …………..This had been our Government’s approach towards SOCIALISM……………………ie squeeze the entrepreneurs in the name of equality. I wonder how start-ups like INFOSYS survived the 1980s!!. what would have been the fate of Indian IT professionals today if such start-ups perished ?? ).

if my money can provide job/revenue to even a single person in my village, then i consider that my village is developing.

infact, all IT/Tech job holders from Telangana should put this question to themselves....... instead of blaming NARA CHANDRA BABU NAIDU that he developed only Hyderabad, they should first analyse their consumption where the money that they are spending is going ??? this will answer why development is uneven.

infact, this reasoning holds for the whole country.........not just for Telangana.

In the end, development is all about PERCEPTIONs of people.. and no single definition is sufficient to satisfy people.. ( there are many economic theories on DEVELOPMENT !!!!). movie complexes, shopping malls, cement jungles, dependence of MATERIALISM, per-capita indices don’t necessarily reflect development, progress, to be precise.

Back to Politics :

the political opportunists are dividing us psychologically. if this continues, a day will come when people of Telangana and Coasta will treat each other with hatred/suspicion just as Indians & Pakistanies are doing....!!

many people will first DECIDE their opinion and then try to DISCUSS/DEBATE & FORCE on others. instead, we should DISCUSS open-mindedly first and then DECIDE.
when 2 Indians meet in USA, they look-out for what they both have in common.
when 2 Indians meet in India, they look-out for how they differ .....based on Region/Religion/Caste/Colour/Language/Riches/ d the list goes on....DEVELOPMENT is new on the list.!!

even in BITS also, regionalism is a/the deciding factor ………..example, Telugus(Gults) are united against others. But, within Gults, differences based on +2/Intermediate College, Chiranjeevi-Balakrishna fans, Caste issues, Telangana-Coasta etc issues come up.!!!

DIVIDE AND RULE is not something the Britishers taught us. it is inherent in our genes !!!!!!!

there is a big/major false belief/misnotion that people of Coasta are 'occupying' Hyderabad and are enjoying the fruits of development. does any one know how many Telangana people are working in Hyd? aren't they 'benefitting' from development of Hyd?

only opportunists like politicians raise “LOCALs & NON-LOCALs” issue to divide's high time people should realize this....


after the Hyderabad Province was liberated by Sardar Patel, western part went to Karnataka( Gulbarga,Bedar,Bijapur etc ) & Maharastra (Vidharbha) and eastern part to AP (Telangana ). southern Karnataka was ruled by Mysore Maharajas and Coasta by Britishers.

THANKS to the Rule of Nizams, the Hyd Province was grossly misruled...undeveloped in all fronts.

Southern Karnataka is blessed with pleasant climate, forests, monsoons etc. (people in Bangalore know this better !!! ) but Northern Karnataka has more arid land...DECCAN Plateau ( Deccan Peethabhumi ).
what if Northern karnataka wants to separate ?????????? who should be blamed for MOTHER NATURE's manifestations ?????

already, there is a separate Vidharbha Movement going on in Maharashtra....
North-East states are fighting for Independence from India
where are we heading?
should RAJASTHAN be jealous of PUNJAB/HARYANA and fight for a separate COUNTRY ????
if MEHABOOB NAGAR( a district in Telangana ) is drought affected, should it be declared as a separate STATE ?!
Do we agree that all of PUNJAB/HARYANA is prosperous and all of RAJASTHAN is backward ?????
aren't there poor and undeveloped ones in PUNJAB/HARYANA ? aren't there rich and developed ones in RAJASTHAN ?
aren't BIRLAs from Pilani, RAJASTHAN... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

same is true with TELANGANA and COASTA also.........but, politicians try to highlight only that which is advantageous to them.

there is a famous quote by SRI SRI (SRIRANGAM SRINIVASA RAO, a famous Telugu poet) says...

Unity is the basis of Revolution....but, after winning the revolution, differences crop up. our FREEDOM STRUGGLE against the BRITISH is a big, living example.

the question is--"won't differences crop up after Telangana is formed?"....( CASTE,RELIGION, Political background etc are enough !!!)

the question of who should become the Chief Minister is already debated in TRS circles.
there is also a big fallacy that A DALIT CM only would work for development of Dalits. TRS is promising that a Dalit will be made the CM of if we don't know what Ms.MAYAVATI had done to Uttar Pradesh( MAYAVATI is a Dalit by Caste )...( what special development did RABRI DEVI brought in for the women of BIHAR ..!!!!???)
of course, there is an interesting catch.....KCR would
be DEPUTY CM !!!!!
it is high time people should recognize the games of these JACKLES.....else HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF.

and HISTORY will REPEAT ITSELF....unless people become intelligent and act.
how come even the educated Telangana people are not questioning the credibility of KCR’s claims/allegations/promises/acts/decisions????
(he is making them in the name of representing all the people of Telangana)

how come on earth all problems will be solved once Telangana is separate ??? if it is so simple, then, we can as well solve all developmental issues even without DIVISION………!!


i hope we are HUMANS and not SHEEP.!!!!!!!!!??????

aren't there Telangana workers in Coastal towns/cities?
who are we to brand some as LOCAL & NON-LOCAL when the CONSTITUTION grants us right to move and settle in any part of the country?

what if Kannadigas ( kannada people ) start a movement
to force all non-kannadigas to leave BANGALORE ??????

what will happen to the Techies of Bangalore?

in 1940s and 50s, it was true that most of the Govt jobs were SECURED ( and not ALLOTTED/GIVEN by any one )by people from Coasta.......but, why ???

THANKS to the education promotion by NIZAMS...who neglected promotion of education....( but, they did a good job in Hyd… OSMANIA University, NIZAM's colleges in Hyd etc) but, .....the spread of education into deeper/remote parts of Telangana is the question to be asked ).

BRITISHERS are to be given credit for the promotion of Education in Coastal AP. ( Marie Stella, Loyola, Andhra Chrishtian Colleges etc and, importantly, many schools)
many people shifted and settled in their place of work/job
( bought land, married, settled, had children etc ).

now, after 1 Generation later ( 2 Generations in some cases ), is it justified to brand them as NON-LOCALS in Telangana ???

who are we to brand some people like that?

aren't there Telangana people working in BANGALORE/NOIDA/PUNE/HYD.....? are they ready to leave jobs if locals
start protests??? do you approve such protests/claims ?

if HARD CORE Telangana people want others to leave/vacate Telangana and Hyderabad, then first of all let them all leave their jobs/vacate from all parts of the country.

how many Telangana supporters outside AP(India and Abroad) are ready to do this ???????????????????????????????????????

THERE CAN'T BE 2 LAWS/justices.........what should be true for OTHERS should be true for people of Telangana also.

Smt.SONIA GANDHI is being projected as a BAHU of the country and could have easily become the PM . Even after becoming a grand-mother (priyanka gandhi vadra has children ), she has to read HINDI speeches written in ENGLISH/ITALIAN.
( can she speak HINDI fluently ?!!!!!!????????)
when we are ready to accord such a status to a FOREIGNER, why should we still consider Coasta people as NON-LOCALs in Telangana even after several generations?...........this is non-sense.

KCR should answer this double stand of him...( one for
Coasta people, another for Congress President ).

2 examples of what REGIONALISM can lead to..........

1--SHIVA SENA party started a movement "ME...MUMBAIKAR"
( I, a Mumbai-ite ). they wanted to stop migrations into Mumbai from all over the country ,except Marathi people....claiming that Mumbai should belong to Marathis only.

2-- when RRB( railway recruitment board) was conducting
line-men recruitments in Bihar, many Assamese came there to
try for jobs...there were killings of some Assamese by Biharis to stop them from grabbing those jobs...... this was followed by counter massacres of innocent Biharis by Assamese Militant groups in retaliation....

((( if you are in Bangalore/Hyd/Chennai, don't ask " MERA NUMBER KUB AYEGA ? " !!!!!!!!!!!! ))))

my grand-parents & parents vote for CPI/CPM ( Khammam district
is a strong hold of COMMUNIST COMRADES !!).
CPI/CPM always oppose FDI (FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT), MNCs, GLOBALISATION, Privatisation...and the list goes on.
but, can my parents ask me to leave my job since it is in a MNC ????????
aren't COMREDES using cellphones, drinking colas & using the luxury/technology goods of the West ??????

CPM/CPI party symbols contain a sickle…………it represents a machine tool, a symbol of our progress from Stone-Age to Iron-Age. I
never understand why Indian version of Communism opposes automation/modernization/upgradation/privatization . Is it not like asking us to go back to Stone-Age ??
( USSR competed with USA in technologies like Defense, Space & Nuclear Tech. Chinese Communist Party worked to make it the Industry leader today. Why can’t Indian Communists work like that ?? !! )

“Poverty is not because of lack of SOCIALISM but because of lack of spread of CAPITALISM”.

the terms like IDEOLOGY or several ISMs (maoism,communism,socialism....) are good as long as our basic existence is at stake....once, MASLOW's basic needs are fulfilled, the ISMs are useless...
( remember MASLOW’s Theory……..?? !!!! )

similarly, the jargons/promises used by TRS are useful only till Telangana separates.....afterwards, who will check their commitment?????

Even with elections every 5 years, politicians are never committed. How can we trust TRS for its commitment on promises ?????

many in Telangana believe that Coasta people cheated
them in water allocations.

it is true that irrigation has been neglected by successive Govts in AP.
the fact is that irrigation in Coastal districts was
also neglected.....yet, it is projected by Telangana politicians
that coastal politicians cheated them.

its due to GEOGRAPHICAL advantage that East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna & Guntur districts (in Coastal AP ) had natural advantages despite bad planning by Governments ...
otherwise, how else can one explain the plight of irrigation in ONGOLE, VISHAKHAPATNAM,VIZAYANAGARAM,SRIKAKULAM which are also districts of Coasta ??????????

we all agree that ONGOLE,VISHAKHAPATNAM,VIZAYANAGARAM,SRIKAKULAM are also facing acute irrigation/water problems & are very backward, much like districts of Telangana.

Deltas/plains of rivers are geographically better than the parts along the course of the rivers.
one has to understand the limitations imposed by MOTHER
(if availability of water/river is the only issue, then the whole course of all rivers in India/world should be like Coastal deltas …………………which is impossible.)

Quarrelling is not the solution. There are better ways to find a solution.
the Telangana politicians are covering up their mistakes by pushing the blame on Coasta Leaders as an excuse...

if the Telangana people just believe in their politicians instead of knowing ground realities, it is as good as " SHEEP ALWAYS BELIEVES IN BUTCHER".

with present level of AWARENESS/REALISATION among people of Telangana, the socalled 'INJUSTICES' won't be and CAN'T be meted out to them.
more over, is it justified to blame/punish the present
& future generations of Coasta people for the so-called deeds of their ancestors ( as projected by Telangana politicians....)??

there is a famous Telugu quote....
(ie with one hand, one can’t clap……you need both the hands.)

the previous generation Telangana politicians/officers
are also EQUALLY culprits.
how come the Coasta politicians do the socalled 'injustices' if Telangana politicians had not joined hands ???

both are culprits.

it is time for youth of AP to join hands building a prosperous AP instead of hating/fighting with each other.

electronics revolution proved this......

but, is it true in GOVERNANCE ??????
yes, but to what extent ????

India is the world’s largest DEMOCRACY. we already have a nice ( and great )system of DECENTRALISATION of governance in place – the Panchayat system.
yet, we know how effective the implementation/performance of our Panchayat system is !!!!!!!!!!!!

except voting once in 5 years, where do people have a say?
who is listening to them in between these 5 years ?
how easy is it to approach a MLA/MP ?
politicians come to people only when some tragedy/sensitive incident occurs.

and will there be any difference in situation even if separate Telangana is formed ?????

elected people can do wonders if they have commitment. they lack commitment and claim that they will do wonders if a separate state is formed....!!!!

A SMALL STATE IS BEAUTIFUL only if it can be sustained/viable.
if a state is formed, it is formed for the politicians/officers but in the name of the people....!!!!

instead of fighting for a new state, we should
1. utilise the opportunities provided by Panchayat system for grass root level Governance effectively
2. utilise the funds for constructing DAMS and PROJECTS instead of building NEW ASSEMBLY, NEW SECRETARIAT, NEW OFFICES ,NEW FURNITURE etc etc
3. utilize the money for the construction of new Dams/Irrigation Projects.
and many one can think with COMMON SENSE, WHICH, of course, IS NOT SO COMMON. !!

Every one knows that already the economy of AP is in a bad state. So, can’t we think of better ways of utilizing the limited monetary resources ?????

if commitment is there in rulers, then BIG IS ALSO BEAUTIFUL....
e-Governance, computerisation of procedures & simplification of procedures enable us to govern efficiently )

if there is no commitment in rulers, then SMALL WILL ALSO BE UGLY......

some Telangana politicians claim that Telangana would get more funds from Central Govt if it is separated.
instead, we could get even more funds by being a UNITED AP and use the funds for Telangana on a WAR FOOTING.

it is easy to raise fale/emotive issues and divide people.
it is difficult to convince people of truth and unite them.
even educated people are easily carried away by such claims of politicians.

now, we realise how bonded are Indians & Pakistanis or Hindus & Muslims ....

time has come for AP people to dismiss the political JACKLEs and realise that

Don’t you think we all have the following in common... ?!!
and what not.......we have so much in common !!

but we can write a new quote that MISERIES/DIFFICULTIES

there are some orthodox/old-fashioned Coasta people who claim that they represent the true TELUGU culture.
the people of Telangana should para-phrase Dr.C.NARAYANA REDDY
( known as SI NA RE )....


the question is -- to what extent the present-day politicians
are working to fulfil the aspirations of the great leaders of united AP ??
are these JACKLEs going to doom us & our culture??

our school history books cover history till 1947 only...
none of us studied
-the MOVEMENT FOR UNIFICATION OF all telugu speaking areas.

none of us have a clear/complete/comprehensive picture
of what happened between 1947 to 1953( when ANDHRA RASTRA formed) and 1953 to 1956 ( when ANDHRA PRADESH formed ).

do we know anything about the contributions of
-and many more leaders ??
( we know more about RAJIV GANDHI and INDIRA GANDHI !! …………… thanks to the sycophancy of Congress Party and YSR )

if the real history is taught to people, they will realize why the great leaders of the yore fought for UNITED AP......and the separatist tendencies will melt away.

some are worried that the Telangana accent in used by Villain characters in Telugu movies and its hurting their sentiments....
what about accent used by SANJAY DUTT in MUNNA BHAI MMBS.?
what about RAYALASEEMA accent used in many movies?

( if you wear coloured spectacles, the world appears in that colour )

if one wants to search for points to complain, he will always find points to complain....!!!
there is no end.

some have the notion that KUKATPALLI HOUSING BOARD (KPHB),Hyd is fully inhabited by people from Coasta....
some have the feeling that Telugu Movie industry is dominated by Coasta people...
some feel that agriculture is very prosperous in if there are no problems there.
there is no end...........

at a time when neighbours( PAK , BANGLADESH AND NEPAL )
are turining hostile on India, we are boggled down in petty local/regional issues.

Considering the retracting of YSR Govt in the past 16 months on its election promises, can we trust politicians again????????????????

if we do, then HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF !!!!!!!!!!!!

I will support any Separatist Moment only if it is lead by leaders who are like our Freedom Fighters in their commitment………………………………and not by politicians who are ready to change parties over-night for ministerial seats.

I believe that HISTORY is made by committed LEADERS and not by petty politicians.

i only wish that " LET COMMON SENSE PREVAIL "